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Case study

Air Conditioning Business Schedule and Dispatch jobs faster

Now the workers don’t have to come back to the workshop to get a new job, if a job comes through we can send it to them and get it started straight away
Jo Grinter
Office Administrator at Quantum Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Services

Quantum Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Services implemented KMZ MOTOR as their busy business, could no longer maintain a pen and paper system.

Quantum Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Services lacked visibility of field staff, which impacted business operations.

Simple everyday tasks, such as scheduling jobs or dispatching new ones, were taking long to execute.

Now, KMZ MOTOR provides Quantum Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Services with near real-time visibility of their workers locations and jobs on the field, making it much easier to schedule and dispatch jobs.

As a result, Quantum Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Services have saved valuable time and money.

Scheduling and Dispatching Jobs Has Never Been Easier

Quantum Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Services were using a pen and paper system, which restricted their ability to do business in a quick turnaround environment.

Quantum Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Services couldn’t afford to wait until their field staff brought job cards back to the office – and that’s if they didn’t forget it or lose it somewhere along the way.

For Jo Grinter, the office administrator from Quantum Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Services, this was a daily pain, hampering their business progress.

“Before KMZ MOTOR, we were using handmade job cards and the workers would come to the workshop multiple times throughout the day to pick up their job cards. There was always the fear of a job card going missing,” says Jo Grinter, Office Administrator at Quantum Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Services.

KMZ MOTOR is a mobile-based platform, which gives Jo the visibility to see every job on the field in real-time. As a result, she can see the availabilities of workers to help schedule openings in a simple calendar format. Jo now knows when workers have accepted, paused, or completed a job.

“Now the workers don’t have to come back to the workshop to get a new job, if a job comes through we can send it to them and get it started straight away,” says Jo Grinter, Office Administrator at Quantum Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Services

While the online tool is a time-saver for Jo, it also gives the team the flexibility to travel directly to the job. Time is being saved as workers are not required to come back to the office to collect client and job information.

Jo can dispatch jobs directly to their worker’s mobile device. From the beginning of their shift, they know exactly what they’re doing and where they’re going. Now, their workers have all the information they need about each job, such as specific customer requests and turn-by-turn navigation.

“I have saved at least an hour a day using KMZ MOTOR. It has absolutely made it easier to schedule and dispatch jobs,” says Jo Grinter, Office Administrator at Quantum Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Services.

Saving Time And Money By Working Smarter

Jo is in charge of invoicing clients, chasing missing payments, and piecing together handwritten job cards and incomplete timesheets.

“I was recording the hours manually and trying to marry them up by going back and asking questions, now everything related to the jobs is compiled into one system,” says Jo Grinter, Office Administrator at Quantum Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Services.

Through KMZ MOTOR, Quantum Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Services can capture information related to jobs in one place.
Now, Jo saves valuable time and can be more productive as she is no longer required to manually review job cards or make several phone calls to ensure field staff are prepared for every assigned job.

Not a Bad Word to Say About KMZ MOTOR

For Quantum Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Services, implementing KMZ MOTOR is a decision they’d never regret.

“KMZ MOTOR has saved so much time and improved the accuracy of the records. I am very happy with KMZ MOTOR - the customer service is amazing, absolutely thrilled with team. I would recommend KMZ MOTOR anytime, whenever the opportunity arises,” says Jo Grinter, Office Administrator at Quantum Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Services

Now with KMZ MOTOR, Quantum Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Services have a job management system, which provides them with real-time visibility of the field, making it easier to dispatch the job, do the work and get paid.

Tags: Billing & Invoicing, Cost Control, Customer Service, Dispatching & Scheduling, Field Management, Inspections, Payroll, Productivity & Efficiency, Revenue & ROI, Routing, Safety, Team Management, Performance & Coaching, Training, Vehicle & Asset Security, Vehicle Maintenance