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Case study

Live Map Improves Efficiencies and Increases Vehicle Security

KMZ MOTOR REVEAL is a good tool for, unfortunately, catching people out if someone says they were on site at a time and we can see that they were not.
Danielle Butters
Office Manager

Openshore was established in 2007. They provide solutions to the drilling and traffic control industries. Openshore’s drilling division have upgraded many utilities such as gas, power and fibre optic networks, while their traffic division operates 24/7, ranging from small to enterprise projects.

Openshore experienced an unfortunate theft of two excavators, leading to the search for a reliable vehicle tracking system.

“We had a couple of excavators stolen. We had CCTV but we still couldn’t track them, so that’s what got us initially thinking about vehicle tracking,” said Danielle Butters, Office Manager.

Live Map Improves Efficiencies

Reveal's user-friendly system allows Openshore to see their entire fleet in real time. Should their drivers need help locating a site, Openshore can assist them immediately over the phone.

“Reveal is great for things like if someone turns up on the wrong spot. We can look at the live map and say, ‘actually you need to go up the road another kilometre’. Before we installed GPS tracking, everything was done on the phone and you waste time talking people through things on the phone. But now everyone can help save time and hassle, because even management have access to Reveal.”

Verifying Hours Worked with Reliable Employee Tracking Software

Before GPS vehicle tracking, Openshore couldn’t be certain if the hours their staff submitted were true; essentially, if they were paying for hours not worked.Reveal's employee tracking software now helps Openshore verify both start and finish times.

“Reveal is a good tool for, unfortunately, catching people out if someone says they were on site at a time and we can see that they were not. For people that get paid by the hour, it’s great from that perspective because you can see when they turned up or when they didn’t!”

GPS Vehicle Tracking Identifies Incident Against Company Policy

Through GPS vehicle tracking, Openshore were able to identify the employee responsible for an accident, which occurred after work hours. Openshore could hold the employee liable for the insurance excess payment, without having to forgo the costs themselves.

“Because of vehicle tracking, we were able to catch someone who had an accident in their own time, so they had to pay the excess and not us.”

Improved Efficiencies and Increased Team Awareness

Since Reveal, Openshore believes it can better manage its entire fleet.

“I think Reveal is an extremely beneficial tool. I believe if you’ve got a fleet it’s essential!” said Danielle Butters, Office Manager, Openshore Pty. Limited

Tags: Productivity & Efficiency, Customer Service, Safety, Revenue & ROI