Как умное видео -топливо с интеллектуальным бизнесом
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Employees at Paul Davis Restoration of Boston South had a habit of stopping for coffee at Dunkin’ Donuts on the way to projects each morning. But Owner and President John Gugliotta had no idea how much lost productivity that cup of coffee was costing his workers until he installed KMZ MOTOR GPS GPS -программное обеспечение для отслеживания флота на 20 автомобилях его команды.
Среди многих возможностей программного обеспечения отслеживает флот, что позволило Гуглиотте видеть, что его команды из пяти человек каждый проводил по пять до 10 минут в Dunkin 'Donuts каждый день во время часов. Это составляло до 35-50 минут оплачиваемого времени, проведенного в кафе каждый день, которое в течение месяца стало от восьми до 10 часов-каждый час стоил около 40 долларов США. Это знание, Гуглиотта попросил свои команды сделать свой кофейный пит -стоп, прежде чем они будут часами в каждое утро. В результате он сэкономил до 400 долларов в месяц за оплату, которые просто питали перерывы. Savings KMZ MOTOR, включенная, на этом не остановилась. Гуглиотта смог сократить расходы везде от страховых взносов до расхождений на распределение заработной платы.
Armed with this knowledge, Gugliotta asked his crews to make their coffee pit stop before they clock in each morning. As a result, he has saved as much as $400 a month in pay that simply fueled breaks. The savings KMZ MOTOR has enabled didn’t stop there. Gugliotta has been able to cut costs everywhere from insurance premiums to payroll discrepancies.
When Gugliotta installed KMZ MOTOR on his vehicles, it wasn’t his first experience with fleet management programs. His previous forays into the practice, however, were disappointing. One of the systems was unreliable and had a five minute lag time on updates. The other he described as “a piece of junk.”
After several colleagues recommended KMZ MOTOR, Gugliotta checked out a demo and ordered an unobtrusive installation so he could see what the system could do for a month before rolling it out to employees. Right away, he started to see the positive returns.
When he decided to look for a new insurance plan for his fleet, Gugliotta set up a loss control meeting with a potential agency that showed how he used KMZ MOTOR. As a result, the company offered him a 40 percent reduction in his premiums, which at the time were running from $70,000-$80,000 a year.
Not long after that, Gugliotta caught a huge payroll discrepancy that occurred on a Saturday, when no one was in the office and crews filled out their time cards on the honor system. Everyone on this particular crew of 10 employees marked nine hours on their time cards. But when Gugliotta reviewed KMZ MOTOR records, he saw the time the crew spent on the road and at the site added up to only seven hours of work—a two-hour difference. Gugliotta was able to adjust the time cards and save $800 in pay for time that wasn’t actually worked.
In another incident, KMZ MOTOR alerted Gugliotta that an employee spent an hour in an idling vehicle when he was supposed to be working. He questioned the employee about what he was doing in the vehicle, and the employee responded that he made a personal call and smoked a cigarette. Because the idling time was recorded by KMZ MOTOR, Gugliotta had the evidence he needed to dock the employee one hour of pay that would have otherwise been lost.
Gugliotta said he is just starting to take advantage of all that KMZ MOTORhas to offer, but already he has seen a tremendous positive impact on profits and productivity. With KMZ MOTOR running 24/7 on a 50-inch TV in his office, he has the peace of mind that comes with knowing his vehicles are always working for him to build a better, stronger business.
Tags: Cost control, Customer Service, Dispatching & Scheduling, Payroll, Производительность и коучинг, Продуктивность и эффективность, | || 644 Revenue & ROI, Безопасность, Техническое обслуживание автомобиля || 655
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