Home Ресурсы Тематические исследования Контракты Mulholland. Получите и ожидайте £ 50 000. "ListItem", "Position": 1, "item": {"@id": "/uk/", "name": "Home"}}, {"@type" : "ListItem", "Position": 2, "item": {"@id": "/uk/resources/", "name": "resources"}}, {" @Type ":" ListItem "," Position ": 3," item ": {" @id ":" /uk/resources/case-study/ "," имя ":" Тематические исследования "}}, {" @type ":" listitem "," позиция ": 4," item ": {" @id ":" /uk/resources/case-study /mulholland/"," name ":" Mulholland Contrics пользуются 2,5% эффективностью и ожидают, что экономия топлива 50 000 фунтов стерлингов "}}]}

Тематическое исследование

Контракты Mulholland. Получите и ожидайте £ 50 000. . = Сбережения на страховые взносы

Working with Ford Telematics powered by KMZ MOTOR has allowed us to reach our goals, whilst helping us generate significant long term operational cost savings.
Kevin Breen
Finance Director, Mulholland Contracts

  • HMRC compliance on vehicle usage
  • Reduced operating costs
  • Savings on insurance premiums
  • Определенное расписание технического обслуживания
  • Минимизированная кража актива || 531
  • Reduced fuel spend


Founded more than 40 years ago, Mulholland Contracts Ltd. is one of the largest privately owned construction companies in Scotland.

Компания предоставляет широкий спектр услуг на основе строительства, включая заземления, всплывающую коммунальные услуги и уличное освещение для крупных разработчиков и корпораций с синим чипсом. Аудит доступных решений на ежегодной выставке коммерческих транспортных средств Mulholland Contracts был впечатлен простотой использования, глубиной информации и качеством отчетов, предлагаемых от Ford Telematics. После недельной фазы 1 технологии Mulholland Contracts развернули 100 фургонов Ford Transit Crew на транспортные команды инженеров и полевых работников на более чем 50 участков по всей Центральной Шотландии. || 544


Following an audit of available solutions at the annual Commercial Vehicle show, Mulholland Contracts was impressed with the ease of use, depth of information and quality of reports offered from Ford Telematics. After a week-long Phase 1 of the technology, Mulholland Contracts deployed 100 Ford Transit Crew vans to transport teams of engineers and field workers to over 50 sites across central Scotland.

“We have already seen a major opportunity to drive ROI. For instance, by knowing exactly where our drivers are during the working day, we've saved an average of one hour per week, which across our workforce equals a 2.5% efficiency gain - a major labour boost in the context of a year. We have also forecasted a saving of 5% on fuel each year, equating to in excess of '£50K. This can be redirected to drive innovation elsewhere in the business, in order to maintain a competitive edge.”

Kevin Breen, Finance Director, Mulholland Contracts

NB: Former brands within Verizon’s connected vehicle portfolio including Verizon Telematics, Fleetmatics and Telogis have all been rebranded as KMZ MOTOR from March 2018. For more information about how KMZ MOTOR is guiding a connected world on the go by automating, optimising and revolutionising the way people, vehicles and things move through the world, Посетите здесь.

Теги: Контроль затрат || 558 , Data & Analytics | || 560 , Продуктивность и эффективность, Маршрутизация || 564 , Управление командой управление командой, Техническое обслуживание транспортного средства

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