Home Ресурсы Отчеты Technology Trends Отчет о Великобритании 2023 сейчас живете! "," Position ": 1," item ": {" @id ":" /uk/ "," name ":" Home "}, {" @type ":" ListItem "," Position ": 2," item ": {" @id ":" /uk/resources/ "," name ":" resources "}}, {" @type ":" ListItem "," Position ": 3," item ": {" @id ":" /uk/resources/report/ "," name ":« Отчеты "}} , {"@type": "listitem", "позиция": 4, "item": {"@id": "/uk/resources/report/the-fleet-technology- Trends-Report-United-Kingdom-2013-Is-Now-Live/"," Name ":" Технологический флот. Trends Report United Kingdom 2023 теперь живет! Менеджеров флотов, которые мы опросили в Великобритании, считаем, что это полезно для управления своим бизнесом. 497

The Fleet Technology Trends Report United Kingdom 2023 is now live!

This report reveals key data about how GPS solutions are helping fleets to overcome challenges, promote safety and streamline operations.

Find out why 79% of fleet managers we surveyed in the UK find it beneficial to managing their business.

Read how organisations of all sizes in various industries are cutting costs, improving productivity and achieving a ROI with fleet management software.

This report reveals key data about how GPS solutions are helping fleets to overcome challenges, promote safety and...
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