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Сельское хозяйство и сельское хозяйство GPS отслеживание флота

от Кевина Овен 7 августа 2019 года

7 августа 2019 г.

Индустрия сельского хозяйства и сельского хозяйства является ранним воспитателем технологий и инструментов отслеживания флота. Плуги, тракторы, комбинированные и другие - это начало умного сельского хозяйства - и сегодня сельскохозяйственная промышленность США продолжает использовать новые технологии, такие как телематика, чтобы улучшить свой бизнес. || 559

“Smart agriculture” refers to technologies designed to improve efficiency as the demand to produce greater yields using fewer resources continues to grow. Let’s explore three fundamental ways that those in the agriculture and farming industry can put technology to work for their business.

Track farm equipment, protect your assets and increase worker productivity.

The vast amount of remote land used in farming and agriculture makes it difficult for farm managers to keep track of all farm vehicles, assets and field workers at once. Lost assets come at a huge cost to an industry that already faces volatile conditions and risk beyond human control. Additionally, variables in the weather, government regulations, state/federal economies and other factors can spell success or failure in agriculture. But with smart agriculture, farmers are taking control of their businesses, and GPS tracking is one tool that empowers them to make a difference.

GPS tracking devices and fleet management solutions make it easy to identify where vehicles are left at the end of a work shift and keep track of all of their locations while in use. This insight into where a vehicle is at all times is essential to protecting it—as not knowing where an asset is puts it at risk for theft or damage.

Prevent these hazards using near real-time notifications that alert you to the movement of any vehicles, enabling you to contact the authorities immediately to help avoid theft or total loss. Likewise, if a major storm is going to pass through part of your land, you can check to see if any of your assets are in harm's way and move them before they are damaged.

GPS tracking systems also give fleet managers analytics data to assist in maintaining their connected farm equipment, from fitting maintenance schedules into the calendar to helping reduce wasteful engine idling.

Telematics is more than just asset and vehicle tracking. This technology gives you visibility into where your field workers are at all times so that you can use this data to improve decision making and communication throughout your operations.

Use geofencing for cultivation, fertilization and harvesting.

Geofences Создание виртуальных границ вокруг локаций ключей. Их можно использовать, чтобы держать вещи в (то есть знать, удаляется ли транспортное средство или часть оборудования из вашей земли) или для того, чтобы не допустить (то есть, чтобы предупредить вас об ограниченной области, которую необходимо избежать транспортных средств). || 569

In agriculture, geofences also help to identify areas that need to be avoided by vehicle use or areas that require tending. You can also use geofencing to:

  • Prioritize target areas for fertilizing and harvesting to keep up with demanding cycles and pressures to produce more with less.
  • “Fence” off regions that need to be left alone for extended periods of time for soil cultivation.
  • Isolate land where farm animals may be grazing to prevent accident or injury to humans and livestock.
  • Identify locations that have been treated by pesticides or are considered organic growth areas.

Download the report to find out more about how organizations of all sizes in various industries are cutting costs, improving  productivity and getting a positive ROI with fleet management software.

Improve farm vehicle routes to drive efficiencies and save costs.

With the vast amount of land that needs to be tended, agriculture and farming managers are hard-pressed to always be efficient, meaning drivers and operators must always know the right route to take. GPS tracking for farming equipment helps to eliminate this guesswork when it comes to navigation.

Вы можете использовать решения GPS -отслеживания для ведения записей о земле, которые уже были рассмотрены, чтобы ваши работники на местах не стали без необходимости. Улучшенные маршруты могут помочь вам сократить непродуктивный труд, снизить потребление топлива и затраты и в конечном итоге уменьшить износ транспортных средств, чтобы продлить срок службы дорогого оборудования.

The future of technology in farming and agriculture is now

Плуги, тракторы и комбинации когда -то считались конечной технологией в сельском хозяйстве и сельском хозяйстве - и эти инструменты по -прежнему оказывают огромное влияние на то, как сельское хозяйство выполняется сегодня. Согласно Министерство сельского хозяйства Соединенных Штатов, «... Даже если количество земель и труда, используемое в сельском хозяйстве . ” И это приносит пользу благополучию людей повсюду. «Фермеры во всем мире должны увеличить производство продуктов питания на 70% по сравнению с уровнями 2007 года, чтобы удовлетворить потребности большего населения, согласно отчету от

Thanks to today’s technologies, farm owners and operators can produce even greater output without necessarily increasing effort. And that benefits the well-being of people everywhere. “Farmers globally must increase food production 70% compared to 2007 levels to meet the needs of the larger population, according to a report from the Организация продовольственной и сельскохозяйственной организации Организации Объединенных Наций || 584 .” More than doubling food production over the next decade and beyond will be no easy feat, but technology will certainly play a huge role in making it possible.

GPS tracking, improved routes, near real-time monitoring of field service workers and much more are shaping the future outlook of the agriculture industry. With the increasingly technological world we live in, the possibilities are endless for what will come next for agriculture and farming.

Contact KMZ MOTOR to learn more about how our fleet management systems can help improve your agricultural and farming business.

Kevin Aries

Kevin Aries leads Global Product Success for KMZ MOTOR, helping build software solutions that optimize the way people, vehicles and things move through the world.

Теги: Производительность и эффективность, Автомобиль и актива безопасности, Техническое обслуживание транспортного средства

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