Home Ресурсы Тематические исследования CMC Logistics смягченный риск и пила Fast ROI с Dashcams. "," Position ": 1," item ": {" @id ":" / "," name ":" Home "}}, {" @type ":" listitem " , "Position": 2, "item": {"@id": "/resources/", "name": "resources"}}, {"@type": "listitem "," Position ": 3," item ": {" @id ":" /resources/case-study/ "," name ":" Примеры "}}, {" @Type ":" ListItem "," Position ": 4," item ": {" @id ":" /resources/case-study/cmc-logistics/ "," имя " : "CMC Logistics смягчил риск и увидел быстрый ROI с помощью Dashcams."}}]}

Тематическое исследование

CMC Logistics смягчил риск и увидел быстрый ROI с помощью Dashcams. Полем За последние 28 дней я видел, как это падало примерно на 35%. Я очень впечатлен тем, что имею это доступно, и как это меняет поведение вождения. Транспортный флот, который доставляет товары на юго -востоке Соединенных Штатов, искал новый способ снизить риск и повысить безопасность. Они выбрали KMZ MOTOR Integrated Video Dashcams для своего корпоративного флота и увидели немедленную рентабельность инвестиций, когда один из их грузовиков был вовлечен в аварию через несколько дней после установки. Была машина, которая сталкивалась с двумя полосами движения, и вырезал самую переднюю часть своего грузовика. К счастью, он был пойман на нашей новой Dashcam, и наш водитель смог подать полицейский отчет. С доказательством, которое у меня было, я знал, что это будет легкое поселение. Я позвонил в страховую компанию другого водителя и предоставил им всю документацию, необходимую им, чтобы доказать, что их водитель виноват. В течение 15 дней у нас была проверка за ремонт 1500 долларов. Решение, которое обеспечило видеоклипы, когда произошла авария. Они знали, сколько времени и денег было вовлечено в страховую претензию и нуждалось в решении, которое поможет быстро и экономически эффективно решить проблемы. «Мы коммерческий автомобильный перевозчик, поэтому расходы на страхование очень, очень высокие», - объяснил Джеймс. «Чтобы снизить стоимость, мы должны пойти с более высокой франшизой. Таким образом, даже если бы я хотел использовать ресурсы нашей страховой компании после аварии, это стоило бы нам ». || 571

I’ve definitely seen a reduction in speeding. Over the last 28 days, I’ve seen it go down about 35%. I’m thoroughly impressed by just having this available, and how it’s changing driving behaviors.
Patty James
Compliance Manager, CMC Logistics

CMC Logistics, a transportation fleet that delivers goods throughout the southeastern United States, was looking for a new way to mitigate risk and promote safety. They chose KMZ MOTOR Integrated Video dashcams for their enterprise fleet and saw an immediate ROI when one of their trucks was involved in an accident a few days after installation.

Compliance Manager Patty James described the incident: “Our driver had a car come across two lanes, and clipped the very front of his truck. Luckily, it was caught on our new dashcam, and our driver was able to file a police report. With the proof that I had, I knew that it would be an easy settlement. I called the other driver’s insurance company and provided them with all the documentation they needed to prove their driver was at fault. Within 15 days, we had a $1,500 check for the repairs.”

Protecting their drivers on the road

To mitigate risk for their drivers and their business, CMC Logistics wanted a reliable dashcam solution that provided video clips when an accident occurred. They knew how much time and money was involved in an insurance claim and needed a solution that would help resolve problems quickly and cost-effectively. “We’re a commercial motor carrier, so insurance costs are very, very high,” James explained. “To reduce the cost, we have to go with a higher deductible. So, even if I wanted to use our insurance company’s resources after an accident, it would cost us.”

Driver safety, a core value of CMC Logistics, was also important when looking for a dashcam solution.

“We needed to evaluate what kind of risks were involved in driver behavior, and see how we could coach them,” James said. “You can look at a speeding report, but you don’t know if they ran a stop sign unless they get caught.”

Safety and accountability with Integrated Video

CMC Logistics chose Integrated Video for their dashcam solution. With video footage available in near real time, they can download and review accident footage quickly and easily to help deflect false claims. James said, “You couldn’t ask for a more clear video or picture, and it’s super easy to download and super easy to share. So, those features I really like a lot. All you have to do is go frame by frame, scroll over the exact time you want and request the video. It’s super easy.”

Integrated Video helps CMC Logistics see what is happening on the road and coach their crew on safe driving behaviors. With harsh driving alerts, they know which drivers need improvement and can show the drivers a video when they are at fault. “Whenever they find out it was caught on camera, before I can get it out of my mouth, they are already saying ‘Yes, I know,’” James said. “This brings a little more accountability. When they see more and more benefit, they’re gonna not have a problem with it at all.”

CMC Logistics also wanted to use dashcams to show their drivers that when an accident occurs, the business will be looking out for them. James said, “The more times we’re able to have their back and have proof that they truly were not at fault, all the drivers will get to the point where they want these things in their trucks. Previously, some drivers actually purchased cameras themselves with their own money, but now, they don’t have to pay for that.”

A fast ROI while promoting safety

Less than a week after installing KMZ MOTOR dashcams, CMC Logistics used video footage to exonerate one of their drivers and got a quick turnaround on an insurance claim. James explained how valuable dashcams were for them: “Without the concrete proof that their driver actually came across the lanes, it would be his word against her word, and we couldn’t prove any sort of fault without any witnesses. And we long-term lease our equipment, so repairs that have to be made, have to be paid. We definitely would have had to pay this one out of pocket.”

Интегрированное видео также предоставляет CMC Logistics с множеством возможностей для поддержки их основной стоимости безопасности. Они используют жесткие оповещения и видео, чтобы тренировать своих водителей как можно чаще. Фактически, значительное снижение небезопасных предупреждений о вождении удивило Джеймса: «Сначала я получал отчет каждый день. Теперь это как каждый третий день. Итак, я часто задавался вопросом, что, возможно, это не работает, поэтому я сделаю запрос на видео. И, конечно же, это работает. Итак, когда вы не знаете, что у вас есть, это победа ». Они быстро получили выплату по иске о несчастном случае, сократили небезопасное вождение и связанные с ними расходы, и смогли помочь своим водителям душевное спокойствие за рулем. Прямо на ваш почтовый ящик. Зарегистрируйтесь, это бесплатно

CMC Logistics did their research, and when they finally decided on KMZ MOTOR Integrated Video, it paid immediate dividends. They received a payout on an accident claim quickly, reduced unsafe driving and the associated costs, and were able to help give their drivers peace of mind behind the wheel.

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Tags: Safety, Team Management

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